Severian ‘Brandt Mutation

Severian 'Brandt Mutation Cropped with Drip

This goofy drawing was made for the ReReading Wolfe Podcast. James Wynn asked me to do one of my Rembrandt inspired mutation drawings with the iconography of Severian from Gene Wolfe’s “Book of the New Sun”. It’s a goofy mash up! We’ve got a Cthulhu-ish headed Severian figure wearing his fuligin cloak, holding the Claw of the Conciliator, the Book of the New Sun itself, with an Amphisbaena sculpted into the cover, and trusty Terminus Est, all cozy together on The Phoenix Throne.

This was my first use of a G-Pen nib and I loved it. Most of my work this year has been digital, so this was a very fun break to do some traditional artwork.

ReReading Wolfe had these printed up as rewards for their generous patrons. I love that podcast. Highly recommended for any fans of the books. I made their logo.

I captured timelapse video of the drawing process. Take a look:

Available as a 10 x 10 print.