This was a complicated and elaborate project. I absolutely love this album and am very proud to have worked on it. Secret Chiefs 3 is a band that mutates constantly. Book of Horizons was the first release where the band was split up into “Sub-Bands“. Each Sub-Band had to have it’s own logo and identity spread in the booklet that would also be used for subsequent releases. I did all the artwork for the release, except for three of the logos.The Holy Vehm Logo was drawn by Patrick Tremblay. I no longer know who did the Arabic calligraphy. Trey hired someone who was versed in the language. I’m credited under my real name, Mike Bennewitz, as this was before I was using any pseudonyms.Trey Spruance, the band leader, loaded these designs with esoteric concepts which he explained to me enough that I could illustrate the ideas, but not enough that I could explain them to you. You’ll have to ask him about any of that…