Zero Fucks Given

Gift Card Collage

Zero Fucks Given Collage by Mike Bennewitz

Zero Fucks Given
Digital Collage
© Mike Bennewitz

This is a gift card collage I made for our beloved coworker Alex when he left the gallery we’d worked at together for a decade to move to Las Vegas. Most of the elements in the collage are from artworks that we had in the gallery at one time or another.

The main dude always reminded me of Alex. That’s Rembrandt’s Lieven Willemsz. van Coppenol, Writing-Master (Bartsch 283) who always reminded me of Alex for some reason. The Interior architecture is from a Nick Patten painting, while the sky is from a Jim Thalasoudis painting. I stole someone’s Las Vegas photo off the interent. Sorry dude who’s name I forgot to note, but I think it’s altered enough for fair use. The cat is from a Steinlen lithograph and the Giraffe is from a Dali’ lithograph. I was the reproduction-photographer for all of the artwork besides the Battle over Nuremberg woodcut by Hans Glaser.